08 June 2011

RG Aile Strike Gundam Deboxing

Finally!!!My first RG,as known as my 40th Gunpla is here,the RG Aile Strike Gundam!!
Just brought it yesterday,and started to build it directly.But first,let's see the deboxing.

Open sesame,HERE WE GO~~!! XD

And here's what you got inside :
You got runner A,B is the ABS inner frame runner,C,D1,D2,E,F,and G,decals and instruction manual.

Stay tuned for the review of the RG Aile Strike Gundam.My next review,here's the hint.
"The Robot meet the eyes.One shall stand,one shall fall!"


Unknown said...

sad RGs can't use Action BAse 1.. have to use Action base 2 or 3.... my aile strike manage to be on Action Base 1 cuz i used the runners.. cut ehm and try to squeeze in

RiP666 said...

is it true that RG can't use AB1 ? uhhh, need to buy more AB2 then

Unknown said...

yes u have 2 use action base 2 or 3