23 July 2012

Dragon Momoko MG Freedom Gundam - Unboxing

Freedom KITAAAA~!!!

Hey there,it's been a while I'm not updating my blog.Since I free to do posting,guess what?I bought Dragon Momoko MG Freedom Gundam from Heng Kim Trading today.I was plan to buy HG Gundam AGE-3 Normal,but in the end this guy attract me a lot.By the way,this might be the last model kit for me.Time for me to make a bit retire from collecting,but helping people build Gunpla is a must.Anyway let's have a look what's inside..

Here's what you get inside the box~

Here we have a total 21 runners,beam sabers part,polycaps,foil sticker(I wonder is good or not),some dry decals,and instruction manual.Speaking of runners,the quality do really close enough to Bandai brand.Sadly,there's no pilot included which is very bad...(T.T)

Time to start assembling~

Stay tuned for next....

1 comment:

Strike rouge said...

i know heng kim trading.. the price were really good :)